Lets Dance LA
Lets Dance LA

Master Instructors Enio Cordoba and Terryl Jones teach LA's biggest Salsa classes. Their Tuesday and Saturday beginner classes average between 80 and 120 students each month. Other instructors include the current Sportsmen's Lodge Professional Division Champions Hector Llamas and Olivia Dasso (who is also winner of the Mayan Championship), Liz Lira (World Salsa Federation Champion), Brigitte Ryerson, Kristy Rivers, Jorge Caballero and Natalie Mavor winner of the Mayan Championship (currently on World Tour).
About Lets Dance LA
Where is it? 17 S. First St. 1 block west of Garfield just off Main. Look for the three story building with red awnings that say The Granada.

Where do I park? Although there are some spaces in back, the best place to park is in the parking structure directly across the street, up 1 or 2 levels. Weekends and after 5 pm Mon-Fri you can also use the city's permit parking lot just south of the Pacific Bell building. Be sure to leave a couple of extra minutes before your first class.
What Kind of Salsa Do You Teach?
It is important to address that there is not one kind of salsa, but many. Cuban, Puerto Rican, New York on 2, Miami, Columbian, and L.A. are the most common worldwide, but just like music changes so do dance styles. We don't teach just one style of Salsa because you're not going to dance with one type of person, you're going to dance with everyone. We show you how to be able to lead or follow many different styles. Let's Dance puts major importance on lead and follow technique so that people enjoy dancing with you. Our group classes are designed to make you feel comfortable out in the clubs in a very short period of time. For those who would like to learn dips, tricks, and lifts we offer private lessons with highly trained dancers. Let's Dance was the first studio to introduce Casino Rueda back in 1989 and offers classes in Tango, Cha Cha, Merengue, Swing and Ballroom
Salsa classes for adults start the first week of every month. Although we recommend that you start the first week, you may start as late as the second week of any month. We offer morning, afternoon, evening and weekend classes. We also have separate Salsa classes for teens, kids and seniors. There are two beginner levels to choose from - Intro Salsa 1A starts out nice and slow and is offered on both Monday and Friday nights from 8:30-10:00pm, Salsa 1B is more of a fast track class and is offered three times a week, one on Tuesdays at 8:30pm, Thursday mornings at 11:00am, and Saturdays at 3:00pm. Although both classes start from the beginning, Salsa 1 goes about 50% faster than the Intro Salsa Class. You will never need a partner as we rotate every minute or so. For advanced classes see the calendar for current dates and times. Class prices are all listed on our Prices page Allow plenty of time to register before your first class. Each class is followed by a free practice session for students who took the class and $5-$10 for people who didn't.

How Much?
Classes run between $9 if you have a punch card and $15 for a one time trial. Student or teacher discounts available. Our unlimited card drops the price to as little as $3-5 per class. All of our classes are 90 minutes- not 60 minutes like most places.
Contact | Location
Website: www.LetsDanceLA.com
17 S. First St
near Main & Garfield
Alhambra, CA 91801
Bing Maps :: Google Maps
Phone: 626 227 2572
Fax: 626-458-3266
Contact Person: Bill Wilkin

Press Send Message to contact us via e-mail.


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Category: Dance, Nightclub
Last Update: Nov 14 2019     Created: Nov 26 2003

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