Alpine Village
But you don't have to wait for Oktoberfest to visit Alpine Village - there is fun all the time, open for lunch & dinner 7 days a week with free parking. Summer festivals begin in July 2005 in Alpine Park. Alpine Hofbrau, the house beer (brewed on the premises) flows with abundance at Alpine Inn. Live entertainment, good food and lots of fun and enjoyment every-night. Big Band (Mondays), Country Western (Tues/Thurs) with free dance lessons, 50's/60's rock 'n roll (Weds) and Continental - (Fri/Sat/Sun) dance music from the 50's 'til now European and American. There are two large dance floors.
Contact | Location
833 W Torrance Blvd
Torrance, CA 90502
Bing Maps :: Google Maps
Phone: 310-327-4384


Visitors: 13553


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Category: Dance
Last Update: Nov 14 2019     Created: Dec 18 2003

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